Saturday 24 April 2021

are we letting our schools evolve?

These days we see many posts on social media where we make fun of the education we had in our schools.

Some ask where do we apply the Pythagoras theorem in our daily life?

Some wonder if the tree had fallen on Newton rather than the apple itself.

Only 1-2% of people who go into research might end up using those theorems or laws. But does it mean the others shouldn't have knowledge about it?

Last week on Instagram I saw a post where it showed what we were taught in school and what we should have been taught in school.

A lot many things included in what wasn't being thought were related to finance management, time management, stress management; etc. 

Let me tell you about a small incident from my school years.

I lived in a small town with schools having syllabus set by the state government.

There was not a single CBSE or ICSE school then.

Only English, Marathi, and Semi-English medium schools. Not many options for parents to get their child enrolled into.

In 2005 I was in 7th standard. Our school added a new subject to our curriculum. 

I don't quite remember the name of the subject now. But it was supposed to benefit students entering their teenage.

Faculty had to come and read out stories and make us understand through analogy. There was no writing work involved. No homework. No examination. Nothing. Only listen to stories read out by the teacher and read from the book.

That was supposed to be fun for students. 

But then the parents of few students came together and had to ruin everything. 

They believed this subject was a scam by the school to loot parents by making them pay extra. 

They were asking the faculty what was the point of the subject if it had no examination involved? That it was a waste of time for students who were supposed to focus only on maths and science.

Eventually, the subject was removed from the curriculum. 

Now as I look back in time I realized that our school had tried to bring a change taking teenage mentality into consideration. It was a baby step. 

But our very parents stopped our schools from evolving and threw it back to the old school way.

This might not have been the same story with every school. 

But if everyone tries a change might come.

Like now even in the Covid pandemic schools adapted to changes that enabled students to learn from home.

The only question now we as the current generation must worry about for the upcoming generation is

are we going to let our schools evolve?

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Save a life - Donate for Ambulance

Shrimad Bhagawad Geeta Ahyaay 17 Shlok 20:

Daatavyam Iti Yat Daanam Deeyate An-UpakaariNe  |
Deshe Kaale Cha Paatre Cha Tat Daanam Saattvikam Smrutam  ||

The gift which is given to one who does no service in return, with the feeling that it is one’s duty to give and which is given at the right place, at the right time, and to a worthy person is considered as “Saattvika Daana”.

So what is the project 'Save a life - Donate for Ambulance?'

It is fundraising initiated by District Director - Community Services Rtr Adv Sattyajeet Karale Patil of Rotaract District 3131. The project aims to donate ambulance amidst the Covid Pandemic for the city of Pune.

What is the role of 'Rotaract District 3131'?

Rotaract District is an NPO consisting of 80 clubs comprising of more than 2000 Rotaractors striving to make a difference in the community. The Clubs help in the professional development of members through various activities without losing focus on their responsibility towards the community.

What kind of projects have 'Rotaract District 3131' done previously?

They have been associated with various community service projects ranging from food donation drives to blanket donation. They have even done Plasma donation drives amidst the current pandemic situation.

How can you make a difference?

You can donate to the cause by clicking the link 

It doesn't matter how much you do. Your every penny matters to the cause.

Have I donated to the cause?

Yes, I have. Here's the proof of it. There's no pressure on you to donate. You can even share the above link on social media platforms due to which somebody might see it and donate.

Have you heard about 'Rotaract Club of Roha Central'?

Rotaract Club of Roha Central is a newly chartered club from Zone 1 of RID 3131. It was chartered in November 2020 and Installed in February 2021.

Within a short span under the President Rtr Vaishnavi Pote RC Roha Central has started making a difference in the small town Roha with various projects.

One of the projects for which they volunteered with their sponsored club Rotary Club of Roha Central was titled, 'Cervical Vaccination'. More than 300+ girls were beneficiaries of the project through which the vaccination was given to them for free under the Global Grant Project.

Links to Follow


Monday 19 April 2021

The one where I resigned the day I joined!

Let me take you back in time to August 2016.

I was livin' la Vida Loca in New Panvel. I had only two things constant in my daily routine. Cad Course in the day and 11 pm show in the night. 

One day after my daily session at 4 pm I went to chill out at Inorbit mall along with Vinay. We were enrolled in the New Panvel Branch. But had to visit the Vashi Branch for one of the software training in the combo package.

Being a bookworm I couldn't resist entering Crosswords. On one shelf few were discovering the song of ice and fire series. While a few 11-year-olds were picking up the book taking them to Hogwarts for the first time. 

I went to peek at the best sellers column. Just then I couldn't hear eavesdrop one of the managers speaking with a 17-year-old boy. 

He was looking for a job but couldn't meet the eligibility criteria of education. As the boy went out of the store I approached the manager with whom he was having the conversation.

I was supposed to tell the manager to give the boy a chance. Instead, I asked him if I was meeting the eligibility criteria for the job. 

That's how life is sometimes. Survival of the fittest. 

Although I had flunked my final semester of engineering I qualified basic requirements for the job. The manager knew me very well as an old customer of the shop. He was surprised when I showed interest in the job.

It was a part-time job. From 4 pm to 8 pm daily. No holidays. The salary was 5000 per month. 

There was no necessity for me to take a job. I came from a well-to-do family. I didn't ask anybody's advice before saying yes. And was told to join from September post-Ganesh Chaturthi.

I was not going to be there for the money. At least that was the plan. I thought after fours of software training I could spend the next few hours working in a place surrounded by books joyfully. I could pick any book I want and read in between chores. Help people buy books by recommending them. That's just like Rachel Green meets Hermione Granger. 

I thought it could help me find my way back to writing. Stories, poems, or whatever I found my heart in. I thought I could understand the mechanism involved in book launches and all and all.

But then just before the commencement of Ganesh Chaturthi, I was asked to shift back to my hometown. And then I was back to square one.

On the day of joining, I texted the manager that I had to resign on the day I was supposed to join. A new plan was set in the motion. 

Wednesday 14 April 2021

I Just Can't Wait to Be King!

Oh, I just can't wait to be king!

Oh, I just can't wait to be king!

Oh, I just can't wait... to be king!

There's a Simba inside me humming; eagerly waiting to be the king. Not technically king though! 

But becoming President of Rotaract Club of Roha Central. 

In few months on the 1st of July 2021, I will be chairing the post of President for the second RIY of RC Roha Central, Zone 1, RID 3131.

My Rotaract Journey started with being a Charter Secretary of Rotaract Club of Roha. In 2020 I joined another club Rotaract Club of Roha Central as a founder BOD member and Professional Development Director under the Charter Presidentship of Rtr Vaishnavi Pote.

The pandemic never stopped us from growing together as club members. Serving Community, Developing ourselves Professionally, Building network across state and countries is what we started doing in a little span of time.

Of all the things that we did, I feel proud we were able to volunteer with the Rotary Club of Roha Central for providing Cervical Vaccination to around more than 500 girls for free. The current Rotary President, Arogya Sabhapati (Health Corporator) Rtn Mayur Divekar kept us all glued together by nurturing us.

As DRRE Rtr Parth Jaokar of Rotaract District 3131 said during our Charter Installation, 'The first year is important, the second year of the club should be about retention!'

The mantle falls upon me. 

I don't know how to lead! But I will learn how to lead by leading them! For actions speak louder than words! 

are we letting our schools evolve?

These days we see many posts on social media where we make fun of the education we had in our schools. Some ask where do we apply the Pythag...